(MITCHELL) – The 145th Mitchell graduation ceremony will be held on July 24 at 7:30 p.m. at Mitchell High School.
The prom will be held on July 25 at the Mitchell High School.
This information was released last night during the school board meeting.
Details on the prom have not all been finalized and more information will be forthcoming, according to Mitchell Superintendent Dr. Wilcox.
The Mitchell School Board met Monday evening at Hatfield Elementary School in a very brief meeting.
During the meeting, the school board gave Dr. Wilcox permission to seek fuel bids for the upcoming school year.
An attendance policy was also adopted by the school corporation that will be applied in all of the schools within the corporation.
“We want to thank the teachers, parents, and students during this unprecedented time. Their cooperation, attitude, and effort are appreciated in working through this difficult period of time,” Dr. Wilcox commented.
“We will keep the community informed on future developments as we receive guidance from the Indiana Department of Education and Governor’s Office,” Dr. Wilcox added.