Indiana Department Of Correction Hosting Virtual Career Fair

(NEW CASTLE) – Looking for a new career? The Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) is making it easy. 

If you missed the Virtual Career Fairs last week, there are three more this week.  And since it is ‘virtual’ you can attend from the comfort of your home through an internet connection.  Be sure to share this with friends or family who may be looking for a new career. 

This week’s Virtual Career Fairs feature opportunities in central and northwest Indiana with a number of different positions available. The Virtual Career Fair is hosted through Microsoft Teams.  If you don’t already have Microsoft Teams on your computer, click here to be directed to the free sign up page.

Each Virtual Career Fair includes an introduction to the IDOC facility being featured as well as the next steps in the hiring process. 

To join the Virtual Career Fair, click the link associated with the facility of interest. 

Have questions before or after the Virtual Career Fair?  Email Recruitment and Retention Coordinator Carlos Williams at

Links to More Information on IDOC Career Opportunities

Click This for All IDOC Career Opportunity and Benefit Information

Click this to Visit the IDOC Facebook Recruiting Page