(BEDFORD) – Due to the unprecedented global Coronavirus crisis, the Lawrence County Community Foundation has activated an Emergency Relief Fund. Grants from this fund will provide financial support to trusted non-profit partners throughout Lawrence County who may become overwhelmed by requests for assistance.
The fund will allow the Community Foundation to address the community’s most pressing needs by granting aid to local organizations who provide basic needs and services to residents of the county.
The fund will also give residents and businesses an opportunity to donate to the pass-through fund with 100% of their donations going to support non-profits helping our most vulnerable populations.
With a frontline understanding of the ramifications of the healthcare crisis and the impact upon people in our community, previously vetted nonprofit partners may submit requests for funding consideration.
Rather than the usual grantmaking procedure, a new “Rapid Response” process for distributions from the Emergency Relief Fund will be utilized.
Staff are working remotely as mandated by the Governor’s Executive Order; however, non-profit partners may reach out to CEO Hope Flores at hope@cfpartner.org or Finance/Grants Officer Lisa Starr at lisa@cfpartner.org.
Staff will return messages as quickly as possible. Anyone wishing to make tax-deductible gifts to the fund should mail checks payable to LCCF Emergency Fund to Lawrence County Community Foundation, P.O. Box 1235, Bedford, IN 47421.