(CARLISLE) – Earlier this month, the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility (WVCF) announced Caseworker Michelle Woolsey was gathering supplies to assemble care packages for troops deployed overseas. This information was shared on social media and the facility was contacted in regards to receiving a generous donation after seeing the post.
Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Public Relations Officer Mike Petty reached out to the facility in hopes of being able to donate over $500 worth of goods to Michelle’s cause. Mike, and his organization, were generous enough to donate much-needed items including candies, razors, deodorants, toothpaste, mouthwash, and other various hygiene items. Mike Petty stated, “Vets helping Vets, that’s what it’s all about.” The association is currently planning a motorcycle fundraiser event and those wishing to participate can reach him at (812) 698-2544.
Wabash Valley Correctional Facility is still seeking donations. Items traditionally donated include: disposable razors, chap stick, playing cards, mixed nuts, and beef jerky. In addition, funds are being collected to help pay the shipping costs.
Additionally, please send names and addresses of anyone you know deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan to Wabash Valley Correctional Facility at the address noted below by March 13, 2020.