(CARLISLE) – Wabash Valley Correctional Facility (WVCF) presented a check for $2,900 to the Sullivan County Big Brothers Big Sisters Organization.
The check was comprised of money from the Community Involvement Fund, the Purposeful Living Unit Serve Program (PLUS), and the Fatherhood Program. WVCF is a title sponsor for this year’s Big Brothers Big Sisters Shamrock Bowl scheduled for Friday, March 13th. There are 14 WVCF teams scheduled to participate in the event. That’s nearly double the number of teams WVCF had last year! The facility will be hosting a fundraising event to help raise additional funds prior to the date.
Caseworker Carla Coakley is organizing the Stromboli Fundraiser, along with the help of other staff. She is also one of the staff members signed up to participate in the event. When asked why she chose to join a team Coakley said, “The Big Brothers Big Sisters program is an amazing program that makes a positive impact on children’s lives and the financial support from WCVF helps touch even more young lives. It also provides kids an opportunity to create a relationship with their “Big” and help boost their confidence and social skills to reach their highest potential.” Coakley concluded, “This local fundraising event gives staff at WVCF a chance to come together to help children and have some fun while raising money for such a great cause.” The Shamrock Bowl is hosted by Patrick’s Restaurant & Bowl in Sullivan, IN. They donate all the lanes to Big Brothers Big Sisters for the night.
The money raised will be used to support matches in Sullivan County. The average cost to support each match for one year is $1,000. The program is provided free to Littles, which are people under the age of 18. The program costs only $25.00 for Bigs, which are people over the age of 18. There would be no way to make it possible without the support of the community. If you are interested in donating to this amazing program, contact Emily Freeman at efreeman@casyonline.org. If you are interested in becoming a Big or Little, then contact Charly Howson at chowson@casyonline.org. This is one way you can have a positive impact on the lives of our young people.
About PLUS
PLUS is a faith and character-based re-entry initiative. Purposeful Living Units Serve offers participants alternatives for rehabilitation. Whether participants choose to learn from character-based materials or faith-based materials, the living units are geared towards teaching core fundamental values that challenge and focus on positive reinforcement through learned behavior. The emphasis of this voluntary initiative focuses on strengthening spiritual, moral, and character development as well as life-skills. This is the basis towards re-entry into the community. For more information visit this PLUS link on the IDOC website.