(UNDATED) – The first snow of the season kept emergency personnel busy throughout the WBIW listening area.
The snow began arriving around 5 p.m. on Sunday and the calls started coming into the dispatch centers at Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department and Bedford Police Department.
Bedford Police reported numerous accidents and slide-offs throughout the city limits.
An injury accident occurred at Tunnelton Road and U.S. 50, but due to a large number of accidents, the report is not yet available.
Lawrence County Police Department received numerous non-injury accident reports throughout the county with trouble areas around State Road 450 near Coxton Road, U.S. 50 near Back Creek Road, State Road 54 at Red Hill, State Road 54/37 Junction, and many slide-offs throughout the county.
In Greene County, State Road 445 between State Road 45 and State Road 54 was briefly closed Sunday evening as personnel worked a traffic accident. Numerous accidents and slide-offs were reported throughout Greene County.
Monroe County issued a Travel Status Watch. A watch means that conditions are threatening the safety of the public. Only essential travel, such as to and from work or in emergency situations is recommended.
In Monroe County officers responded to numerous traffic accidents and slide-offs along Interstate 69, State Road 37, and State Road 46 West near Ellettsville. Traffic was reported at a stand-still near the Morgan-Monroe County Line on Interstate 69 as numerous slide-offs and accidents were reported.
Martin County is reporting working multiple slide-offs and wrecks within their county. Officials are encouraging motorists not to travel the roadways at this time unless necessary.
Daviess County reported that both the Sheriff’s Department and Washington Police officers were busy responding to accidents and slide-offs.
Jackson County deputies are working several accidents and slide-offs throughout the county according to Sheriff Rick Meyer.
“The Jackson County Highway crews have been called out this evening. Please give the guys room if you meet them,” said Commissioner Drew Markel.
Another round of snow is due to hit around 1 p.m. Monday