(INDIANAPOLIS) – The Indiana Institute for Working Families and the Indiana Community Action Association applaud Governor Holcomb’s decision to make a clear, affirmative right to reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers a top priority on his 2020 legislative agenda.
This legislation is critical to the health, safety, and financial stability of Hoosier families.
For the past few years, the Institute has been making the case that to have a thriving, inclusive workforce, Indiana must provide greater support for pregnant workers. Pregnant workers who need income but lack accommodations are often forced to continue working under unhealthy conditions, having no choice but to risk their own health as well as the health of their babies. This can have life-altering consequences as women continue without the accommodations they need or lose a paycheck at a time they need it most.
Women who want or need to continue working while pregnant but need small adjustments – such as extra bathroom breaks or a reprieve from heavy lifting – should receive them. Otherwise, too many women will continue to face impossible choices between their health and their family’s financial well-being.
Not only will this measure ensure healthier outcomes for pregnant workers and babies, but it will also help our state’s economic growth by providing much-needed clarity for businesses, improving employee retention, and reducing training and turnover costs.