(INDIANAPOLIS) – With the charge of creating a legacy for this important milestone in our state and nation’s history, the Indiana Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission, chaired by Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, has issued a Call for Proposals to Indiana-based artists or artist teams interested in designing and fabricating an original work of art to be displayed in the Indiana Statehouse to commemorate the ratification of the 19th Amendment and to remain a part of the State of Indiana’s permanent public art collection.
Proposals should embrace and celebrate the ideas, people and actions behind the movement for women’s suffrage and the ratification of the 19th Amendment in Indiana and in the United States.
Proposals will be reviewed by a selection panel convened by the Indiana Arts Commission, which will include artists working in public art, public art administrators and citizens. Three finalists will then be submitted to the Indiana Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission, which will make the final selection. One proposal will be selected.
- Bookmark and download the guidelines
- Submit a proposal
- Learn more about the Indiana Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission
The budget for the artwork is $10,000, inclusive of all expenses including design, fabrication, travel, taxes and artist fees. The artwork may be two or three-dimensional and be realistic or abstract in design.
It is the Indiana Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission’s intention that the artwork “travel” within the statehouse, being sited in different public spaces within the building so that a wide array of visitors will be able to view the artwork; therefore the artwork should be able to be relocated readily by facility staff. No minimum dimensions are specified, but the artwork should be able to fit within a standard office doorway (80” tall, 32” wide).
The Call for Submissions is open to individual artists and/or artist teams over the age of 18 currently living or based in Indiana. Current members and staff of the Indiana Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission, the Indiana Arts Commission, members of the selection panel and their families are not eligible.