Two Arrested after Responding to Home with DCS Caseworker

(BEDFORD) – Two people were arrested early Friday night after police were asked to assist a Department of Child Service caseworker with a home visit in the 7380 block of South Leatherwood Road. 

When officers entered the home at 9:54 p.m. they found in plain view multiple syringes, a digital scale with a white powder substance on it, glass smoking devices, marijuana and several other items of drug paraphernalia.

Police say the white substance tested positive for meth.

“Several other items of paraphernalia tested positive for fentanyl and meth,” says Chief Deputy Aaron Shoults.

Leah Gerkins

Police arrested 23-year-old Michael Jones and 26-year-old Leah Gerkins on charges of possession of meth more than five grams, neglect of a dependent, possession of a narcotic drug, unlawful possession of a syringe, possession of drug paraphernalia.

Michael Jones