(INDIANAPOLIS) – A proposal to make it illegal to ride an electric scooter on sidewalks in Indianapolis was approved by the Indianapolis City-County Council Monday night.
The ordinance was required after a new state law took effect July 1, 2019. The law calls the scooters “electric foot scooters,” not “motorized vehicles”, which is how the City of Indianapolis referred to them in the old ordinance. That meant it was legal for the first two weeks in July for people to ride scooters on sidewalks.
When Indianapolis City-County Councilors met Monday, they changed the wording, voted on it, and passed an updated ordinance.
The updated ordinance says you can ride the scooters on streets and in bike lanes. If you’re riding on the street, you have to obey regular traffic laws.
But if you ride a scooter on the sidewalk, you’ll receive a $20 ticket.