(SULLIVAN) – A new recovery center for women is opening in Sullivan.
Ruth House is a new treatment facility for women with addiction. It’s located on South Crowder Street and will open its doors on July 15.
Ruth House will be a live-in program for up to ten women at a time. It offers nine months to two years of evidence-based programming, recovery and life skills and bible studies.
“We welcome those who are ready to begin the recovery process,” says Executive Director Peggy Poe. “To help accomplish this, it is our intention to provide a safe, secure, structured and supportive environment wherein we will work to achieve those goals.”
” I’ve actively fought addiction since 2002. I had been in-and-out of jails, prisons, and sober-living environments for a total of 12 years before finally succeeding in staying clean. I’ve had negative and positive experiences with the courts, probation, parole, and DCS.”
Poe was arrested in the early evening on November 7, 2013, and charged with several crimes relating to meth in Greene County.
“As I sat in jail, I realized I was in serious trouble and was going to lose my daughter…again. More importantly, I realized I needed to change,” she added.
“I began to attend alcohol and drug classes in the early morning once a week (because that was when they were offered). The County Jail offered me work-release instead of prison. This was due to my alcohol and drug class instructor speaking with the prosecutor. She had witnessed that I sincerely wanted to change. Even today I continue to work toward change,” she added.
“The first thing I did was spend many hours trying to figure out why I kept returning to meth. I came up with several reasons and I chose to work on those things one at a time. First and foremost, I had to get right with God and stay with God (which I had not done in the past). I took many classes to better myself and to aid in handling stressful situations in the future. I also educated myself for the possibility of helping others who are going through what I have come out of. This mainly includes women (as we are emotionally wired). I also had to learn better parenting skills.”
Here are a list of her accomplishments:
- Completed extensive drug and alcohol classes.
- Completed critical thinking and coping skills classes.
- Participated in personal, family counseling, and parenting classes.
- Obtained an Alcohol and Drug Treatment Specialist Diploma with honors.
- Became an Indiana Certified Recovery Specialist and Community Health Worker.
- Saved enough money to purchase my own home (mortgage free).
- Had her driving license reinstated and purchased a car.
- Regained custody of her daughter (sooner than normal due to her accomplishments).
- Served on a panel with a Judge and Prosecutor to answer questions pertaining to an addiction study.
- Meet and talk with caseworkers to better understand client situations.
- Have kept God first.
- Maintained her sobriety and continually uses a positive support system.
Ruth House will have an unveiling event today at 3:30 p.m. at the Sullivan Civic Center. The event will be open to the public.
Admission Requirements
- Must be a woman who is 18 years of age or older.
- Must be free from alcohol, mood-altering, and/or addictive substances for a minimum of thirty days.
- Must be able to provide proof of medical stability and sobriety.
- Must be free of any indications of harmful behavior toward self or others.
- Must be able to comply with house requirements and manage daily living such as dressing self, employment, personal grooming, etc.
- Must have an expressed desire for sobriety, and her mental and emotional state must be sufficiently stable for participation in a recovery program environment.
- Is unable to maintain abstinence in a less restrictive environment.
- Meets criteria for the diagnosis of substance abuse or dependence.
- Must submit to random drug and alcohol screening.
- Must make a nine-month minimum commitment.
- Must have financial arrangements in place upon residency (either self-pay or sponsored).
- Must respect the confidentiality and privacy of the Ruth House, and residents must comply with all house regulations.
- Must agree to adhere to the program’s zero-tolerance policy.
- Must agree to mandatory and active participation in all step-based studies and obtain a sponsor during the orientation period.
- Must agree to disclosure (if under court supervision of any type which includes parole) of probation or as part of a criminal sentence, of drug screen results, and reports to the appropriate authorities in each situation.
If you would like more information about using their services or volunteering, you can visit their website. You can also call them at 812-699-9831.
The Ruth House is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization and therefore your generous donations are tax deductible.
All general donations will be used as needed to support the Ruth House’s operations and mission. If you desire to make a monetary donation for a specific need or purpose other than what is available in the store, it is best to mail your donation with the appropriate memo to Ruth House, 128 S. Crowder St., Sullivan, Indiana 47882.