106 Mitchell Blue Jackets Will Graduate Friday

(MITCHELL) – The 144th Commencement at Mitchell is Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Mitchell High School in the gym.

There will be 106 graduating seniors.
The Class of 2019 has six valedictorians this year. There are no salutatorians.
They are:
Olivia Lagle
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Olivia is the daughter of David and Shannon Lagle. She has a GPA of 4.228. Olivia is a member of SADD, Fellowship Christian Athletes, Tri-Hi-Y, National Honor Society, dance team, track, and cross country. She is a volunteer at St. Vincent Dunn Hospital. She is a member and volunteer at the Mitchell Church of Christ. Olivia plans to attend Butler University and study biochemistry.
Kinley Day
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Kinley is the daughter of Lori and Curt Day. She has a GPA of 4.2. Kinley is a member of Student Council, Fellowship Christian Athletes, Fresh Start Peer Leaders, National Honor Society, and works at Blue Springs Caverns. She plans to attend the University of Southern Indiana, and study biology.
Allyson Passmore
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Allyson is the daughter of John and Melissa Passmore. She has a GPA of 4.1. Allyson is a member of Student Council, National Honor Society, SADD, Fresh Start Peer Leaders, Fellowship Christian Athletes, the volleyball team, basketball, and track. She plans to attend the University of Southern Indiana, and study elementary education.
Lauren Woods
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Lauren is the daughter of Shannon and Georgia Woods. She has a GPA of 4.11. She is a member of the Executive Board Student Council, SADD Secretary, Key Club, president of the National Honor Society, Drama Club, and Ambassador Suicide and Anti-Bully Organization from Chicago. She plans to attend the University of Minnesota, and double major in theater, and mortuary science.
Kamryn Bridges
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Kamryn is the daughter of Darren and Karen Bridges. She has a GPA of 4.04. Kamryn is a member of Key Club, SADD, Tri-Hi-Y, National Honor Society, FFA, student council, and 4-H. She plans to attend Purdue University and study physiological sciences.
Lauren Wilson
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Lauren was not available for an interview at the time of this story.
Senior Ashley Sanders will lead the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. Alex Hass and Liam Quaas will read the names of the graduates as they come forward for their diplomas.
The class motto is, “Together; we have experienced life. Separately, we will pursue our dreams. Forever, our memories will remain.”
Allyson Passmore is class president, Kinley Day, vice president; Liam Quaas, treasurer; and Heaven Baker, secretary.
