(BLOOMINGTON) – Hannah L. Buxbaum, vice president for international affairs at Indiana University and the John E. Schiller Chair in Legal Ethics at the IU Maurer School of Law, has been elected to the Curatorium of the Hague Academy of International Law, effective Jan. 18.
Hannah Buxbaum. Photo by James Brosher, Indiana University
Founded in 1923, the Hague Academy of International Law is a center for high-level education in both public and private international law housed in the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands. The Curatorium determines the scientific policy and the activities of the academy, designs its programs, and chooses lecturers from among the most highly renowned academics and international practitioners.
News IU Bloomington, reports, Buxbaum joins an elite group of 17 international scholars and practitioners on the Curatorium, including three current or former judges from the International Court of Justice, the president of the Institut de Droit International and the vice president of the European Court of Human Rights. Yves Daudet, emeritus professor at Sorbonne Law School, is president of the Curatorium, having succeeded the late Boutros Boutros-Ghali, former secretary-general of the United Nations. No more than one member at a time from any given country may serve on the Curatorium.
“Being elected to the Curatorium is a great honor, both personally and professionally,” Buxbaum said. “I hope that my participation will help further the academy’s work while advancing Indiana University’s reputation as a global research institution.”
An expert on private international law and international litigation and jurisdiction, Buxbaum has taught courses on international regulatory law in the academy’s renowned summer courses program. Over the course of her teaching career, she has held visiting appointments at a number of foreign universities, including Humboldt University, the University of Cologne and Université Paris II, Panthéon-Assas. She is also co-author of a leading casebook on international business transactions.
Buxbaum is active in a number of national and international organizations, including the American Society of International Law, where she currently serves as vice president. She has been elected to membership in the American Law Institute and is membre titulaire of the International Academy of Comparative Law. In 2016, she joined the advisory board of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg.
She holds undergraduate and law degrees from Cornell University and a master’s degree from the University of Heidelberg. Before joining the IU Maurer School of Law, she practiced in the area of international securities transactions in the New York and Frankfurt offices of Davis Polk & Wardwell.
Founded in 1842, the Indiana University Maurer School of Law is the oldest public law school in the Midwest. It is the highest-ranked public law school in Indiana and among the top 15 public law schools nationally.
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