Deadline To Apply For COVID-19 Relief Funds Approaching

The Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning has been notified that many providers have not yet applied, and are strongly encouraged to take advantage of these available funds before the application deadline.

The CARES Act Provider Relief Fund is available for healthcare-related expenses or lost revenue attributable to COVID-19. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services expects to distribute $15 billion to eligible Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program and dental providers.

The payment to each provider will be approximately 2% of reported gross revenue from patient care; the final amount each provider receives will be determined after the data is submitted.

Application deadline: August 3, 2020

A provider education webinar will be held July 27, 2020, from 3 to 4 p.m. EDT. A registration link can be found here.

For more information, please see the following resources:

Application Instructions: PDF version

The application is easy to fill out, and consists of mostly tax information. We recommend you apply, even if you are unsure you will qualify!

If you or any members of your association have questions, please contact