I-69 Finish Line update

INDIANA – I-69 Finish Line opened to traffic at the end of 2024. This will be the final weekly On Track media update. Additional updates will be shared via social media channels and the project website. Follow INDOT on  FacebookXInstagram, and I-69FinishLine.com.

The speed limit on all sections of I-69 and I-465 is expected to transition to 55 mph on or after Wednesday, Jan. 15. Intermittent lane and speed reductions will be possible along the I-69/I-465 corridors for the safety of crews during the final cleanup/closeout stages of the project.

Epler Avenue between I-69 and Old SR 37 is closed for intersection reconstruction. Depending on weather conditions, this intersection is expected to open to traffic in February.

The Epler Avenue and Belmont Avenue intersection will remain OPEN during this closure.

Detour information can be found here.

I-69 Documentary – Connecting the Crossroads:

The I-69 Finish Line documentary is NOW LIVE. I-69 has finally arrived at the finish line in Indiana, providing safer, more efficient travel for current and future Hoosier generations. However, building the interstate was challenging, from environmental concerns to financing to political intrigue. Join INDOT as they examine how the state’s newest interstate became a reality.