Lt. Governor Crouch appoints Indiana Grown Commission members 

INDIANAPOLIS – Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch announced three appointments and three reappointments for the Indiana Grown Commission today. The director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture chairs the 12-member commission.

The Indiana Grown Commission provides guidance and direction on behalf of Indiana Grown members to the program staff who are dedicated to promoting, supporting, and growing local agribusinesses. The program has over 1,500 members, including farmers, artisans, restaurants, chefs, agritourism destinations, and more.

The new appointments include Martha Sanders Hoover of Indianapolis, Lise Kruer of Borden, and Paige Oliver of Zionsville. Kruer and Oliver will serve on the Indiana Grown Commission through 2026, and Hoover will serve through 2025.

The reappointments include Nanci Sears-Perry of Yorktown, Leigh Rowan of Ft. Waye, and Rachel Boyer of Converse. They will serve on the Indiana Grown Commission through 2026. 

Other members of the 12-member commission include Krista Stillwell of Frankfort, Marcus Agresta of Indianapolis, Nathan Shoaf of West Lafayette, Mike Hoopengardner of Spiceland and Jeff Bricker of Indianapolis. 

To learn more about Indiana Grown, visit