BEDFORD—An inspection of the jail found no security issues, concerns, or warnings were issued. The jail meets all the safety standards for inmates and staff.
“We passed with flying colors,” added Sheriff Greg Day.

This morning, there were 82 inmates in the jail. Of those, 70 were males, 12 were females, eight were Department of Correction holds, two were parole holds, and four had Level 6 convictions.
Sheriff Day and Highway Superintendent Brian Sowder performed a traffic study on Rolling Meadows Road.
The study was done after complaints about no speed limit signs on the road.
“We found 14 driveways in a half-mile stretch,” added Sheriff Day. “State Law said if the driveways are less than 200 feet apart in a quarter mile, it is considered an urban area, and the speed limit must be 30 miles per hour.”
County Attorney David Smith will draft an ordinance that will be presented at the commissioner’s meeting on August 27.
If the ordinance passes, the stop signs will be placed on Rolling Meadows Road between Leatherwood and South Leatherwood Roads.