Rep. Banks FY25 NDAA Amendments strengthen the US industrial base

WASHINGTON— Wednesday, Rep. Jim Banks (IN-03), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Military Personnel, passed several amendments to the House’s Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act to strengthen America’s defense industrial base (DIB). 

Rep. Jim Banks

Said Rep. Banks, “Joe Biden, the weakest president of my lifetime, has provoked chaos around the globe. Thanks to America’s last policies, DoD stockpiles of crucial munitions have hit dangerously low levels and now threaten our ability to stand up to Communist China and other major adversaries.

Congress must get serious about cutting through red tape and supporting domestic manufacturing so that we can replenish our stockpiles. America must be fully prepared to take on any foreign threat.

I’m proud of Northeast Indiana’s critical role in America’s defense industrial base, and my NDAA amendments will help make our industry stronger and our nation more secure.”


  1. NEPA’s impact on the defense industrial base DRL requires SecDef to report on the delays and costs to the DIB caused by the National Environmental Policy Act.
  2. The report on the Defense Industrial Base Board requires the DOD to study the feasibility of establishing a body responsible for ensuring the DIB is ready to meet wartime production needs.
  3. Industrial Mobilization Plans DRL requires the DOD to brief Congress on its plans for mobilizing industry in the event of a major conflict.

Rep. Banks has hosted the first of its kind, the “Northeast Indiana Defense Summit,” for the past two years to showcase Northeast Indiana’s contributions to the DIB and support collaboration between defense industry leaders, policy experts, and government officials.