Rep. Banks passes FY25 NDAA amendments to protect DoD research from CCP spies

WASHINGTON— Today, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Military Personnel Jim Banks passed amendments to the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act to protect DoD research from Chinese Communist Party espionage and combat malign Communist Party influence.

Rep. Jim Banks

Said Chairman Banks said,  “America’s foremost adversary, the Chinese Communist Party, has long pursued a malign agenda to weaken America from within. We can no longer sit back and allow the CCP to subvert our institutions, influence American students, and steal the crown jewels of American innovation. We certainly cannot afford to unwittingly aid them via our own Department of Defense and your tax dollars.

The CCP is counting on Congress to follow Joe Biden’s lead and be passive in protecting American interests. My amendments to the 2025 NDAA will ensure Congress leads the way to secure America against the China threat.”

Rep. Banks passed the following amendments to secure U.S. research from China in the FY25 NDAA:

The FY24 NDAA included several provisions from Rep. Banks to crack down on the Chinese Communist Party, including an amendment to require project leads on DOD-funded research to disclose the backgrounds of foreign researchers to receive DOD funding, and an amendment to ban DoD’s waiver for funding institutions of higher education that host Confucius Institutes.