MHS graduation ceremony arch bearer tradition halted, now open to all genders of the academically top 16

MITCHELL- A topic brought to the board’s attention during the public comment section of the School Board meeting last night was a couple of changes to the MHS graduation ceremony. Traditionally, the top 16 (academics) girls in the junior class are invited to be archbearers during the commencement. Still, this year, it has been changed to be the top 16 in the class regardless of gender. While the new protocol is more inclusive to all students, several public audience members voiced displeasure with the decision. One woman cited that her granddaughter, who would have been a fourth-generation arch bearer, would not be able to participate due to the new rule.

Also brought before the board to be heard by the public, an MHS senior voiced her displeasure that the arch bearers in this year’s commencement ceremony will wear caps and gowns. Since the arch bearers are from the junior class and are not graduating that evening, some seniors feel they should not be wearing the regalia of one who is about to receive their diploma.