CDC monitoring outbreak of measles

INDIANA – The Centers for Disease Control has been monitoring an outbreak of measles, now affecting Indiana and sixteen other states.

According to new weekly figures published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 58 measles cases have been reported in the U.S. across 17 states this year. 

There were 45 cases of measles, and as of March 14, 2024, 58 cases had been reported by 17 jurisdictions: Indiana, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York City, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington.

A viral infection that’s serious for small children but is easily preventable by a vaccine.

Measles is an acute viral respiratory illness characterized by a fever (as high as 105°F), malaise, cough, coryza, conjunctivitis—the three “C”s—and a rash. The rash usually appears about 14 days after a person is exposed.

This can be an even bigger problem in the United States, as measles is one of the most contagious diseases.

Children younger than five years of age and adults older than 20 years of age are more likely to suffer from complications. Common complications are ear infections and diarrhea. Serious complications include pneumonia and encephalitis.

The disease spreads through the air by respiratory droplets produced from coughing or sneezing.

Measles symptoms don’t appear until 10 to 14 days after exposure. They include cough, runny nose, inflamed eyes, sore throat, fever, and a red, blotchy skin rash.

There is no treatment for an established measles infection, but over-the-counter fever reducers or vitamin A may help with symptoms.