New resource available for crop producers transitioning to organic: Transitional Production Plan

INDIANA – The National Organic Program (NOP) has posted a new Transitional Production Plan (TPP) template on the AMS website. This latest public resource was developed under the Organic Transition Initiative’s (OTI) Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP).

The TPP template helps new crop producers transitioning to organic production develop the supporting documentation needed to qualify for OTI services provided through the USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) and Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). The template will also help transitioning farmers learn how to document their organic practices in preparation for the Organic System Plan (OSP) process required when they apply for certification. By knowing these practices and demonstrating their use of materials, farmers can feel more confident that they are on the right track early in the process.

The transitional plan will ultimately streamline the organic transition process and help producers more easily take advantage of all USDA programs. For example, the TPP can serve as OSP documentation when applying for transitional crop insurance through RMA and may also meet some of the application requirements for the Conservation Activity Plan 138 under the NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program’s Organic Initiative.

The transitional plan can also be used by producers who are not using prohibited substances and are implementing practices expected to lead to compliance with the USDA organic regulations. When the TPP is reviewed and signed by a USDA-accredited certifier, the operation will be listed as transitional in the Organic Integrity Database. The transitional operation status will be visible to certifiers and USDA employees, including RMA staff reviewing eligibility for organic transitional crop insurance. Transitional operation status is not publicly available.

Click here to view the Transitional Production Plan.