BEDFORD- As part of GM’s ongoing commitment to keep you informed as they progress through the
environmental investigation and cleanup at and near the Bedford Plant, they would like to
invite you to a general information session on Tuesday, February 13th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at a GM-owned home, 305 Bailey Scales Road, situated at the corner of Bailey Scales Road and Barlow Lane. Parking will be available along Barlow Lane and in the gravel area adjacent to the house.

They also plan to publicize the February 13th information session through the local media.
At this session, they will provide an update on the project and allow people to visit one-on-
one with the project team to talk about specific, individual issues.
These information sessions are part of GM’s community outreach efforts to keep you and
others in our community informed regarding the project and to provide you with an
opportunity to tell them what’s on your mind. As always, project information is available on their website at www.BedfordPowertrainCorrectiveAction.com.