Gov. Holcomb releases statement in the mission to secure the border

INDIANAPOLIS – Governor Eric J. Holcomb releases a statement regarding the mission to secure the border.

Governor Eric Holcomb

“Human traffickers, drug cartels, and terrorists are illegally pouring across America’s southern border and then traveling to communities far beyond threatening our national and economic security.

The Biden administration and Congress need to stop talking and start acting. It’s time for results, not more rhetoric. One of the few basic constitutional duties of the federal government is to set critical immigration policy, yet they continue a two-decade practice of kicking the can down the road, leaving in their wake long-lasting adverse impacts on our nation, states, cities, and communities.

I’m proud to join so many fellow governors in support of Governor Abbott and appreciate receiving an up-to-date, real- time, on-the-ground detailed briefing from those on the front lines who see this humanitarian crisis up close and person stationed along the border.

If unregulated immigration continues to transpire, we governors will continue to deal with the aftereffects inside our home states. The only way to resolve this is to first stop the historically high flow of illegal migrants crossing the border and then get to work on passing a legal, efficient immigration policy that actually will contribute to a needed and healthy workforce.”

Click here to watch the Border Security Press Conference in Eagle Pass, Texas.