$25,000 approved to support detention costs for juveniles

LAWRENCE CO. – The number of detentions this year is up from 2022. Seven juveniles have been detained in 2023 for 15 days or more. One was detained for 26 days to help stabilize his medication since there were no other placement options.

Judge Nikirk, Anah Gouty, and Katie Messmann spoke on the matter. Despite calling all over the state in search of placement, the county can not find a spot for one female juvenile, and since they cannot safely release her, they are requesting extra funds to cover that cost, as well as some remaining bills, amounting in total to $10,550, and an overdue payment of $1,840 to Dickinson Juvenile Detention Center.

As alternatives, the county has set in place a detention system that can be used at home in cases where it is safe for the family and the detainee. Some are unwilling to cooperate with the system and instead, must be detained by the county as usual.

This year, 19 juveniles have been part of the home detention system and collectively spent 1063 days in home detention. Online surveillance/home detention only costs $10 per day, which amounts to $10,630 saved by this process.

Additionally, Lawrence County collects detention cost reimbursement from parents/families who have the ability to cover the costs. The ability standard is established in court by the judges.

The County Council approved the requested $25,000 to cover these current costs and the detention costs for the remainder of the year.