Indiana Secretary of State leads official bipartisan International Election Observer delegation to Guatemala

INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales led a delegation of credentialed Hoosier Election Observers to Guatemala for National Elections.

The delegation included a bipartisan group of county clerks, university faculty, and election administrators.  While in Guatemala the delegation met with the Guatemalan Deputy Secretary of State, the U.S. Ambassador, election officials, poll workers, and voters.


Guatemala’s Election Day was Sunday, June 25.  The International Election Observers visited nearly a dozen polling locations on Election Day. Indiana county clerks and election administrators were given the opportunity to see firsthand how Guatemala holds its elections under challenging social conditions. The delegation was able to ask insightful questions about voting registration, election preparation, and result verification. Hoosier election officials were also asked several questions about the Indiana election process.

“I made it a goal at the start of my administration to lead a bipartisan delegation of county clerks to be International Election Observers.  I hope this is the start of several more educational opportunities I can help guide. I’m very passionate about putting Indiana on the international stage while providing Hoosiers a front-row seat to see the world,” said Diego Morales, Indiana Secretary of State.

Prior to and during Election Day, the delegation met with several administrators and agencies tasked with overseeing the election results. Hoosiers learned the similarities and differences between the American election process and the Guatemalan election process.

“This was such a unique opportunity to learn and that is what we did from the moment the plane landed.  This experience allowed me to think outside the box and ask practical, process-oriented questions. I was able to gain a new perspective on election administration. I’m honored to have been part of the International Election Observer Delegation in Guatemala,” said Amy Rolfes, St. Joseph County Clerk.

“If you’re offered this type of experience, take it.  You learn so much just by being immersed in another culture and seeing the way other countries hold their elections,” said Jessica Bailey, Porter County Clerk.

An election assistance grant program and private donations provided funding for the trip.