Ivy Tech offering ServSafe Manager Certification® course in June

BLOOMINGTON — Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington is offering a two-day ServSafe® Manager certification class.

The course starts Monday, June 26 from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. and continues Tuesday, June 27 from 8:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. and will be held on Ivy Tech Bloomington’s main campus.

The course is intended for individuals seeking a ServSafe® Manager certification. However, the course is open to anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of food safety. There is no previous experience needed when taking this course.

ServSafe® Manager certification is the restaurant and food service industry’s leading food safety training solution. The ServSafe® Manager Certification verifies a manager or person in charge has sufficient food and safety knowledge to serve and protect the public. This course provides an interactive experience for students to gain hands-on knowledge of food safety to pass the exam.

Short-term skills training classes like ServSafe® are hosted by Ivy+ Career Link. Ivy+ Career Link provides workforce skills training for the community, training for employers, and career development for Ivy Tech students and alumni. 

For details on ServSafe course offerings and to register, visit www.ivytech.edu/bloomington/careerlink.