Naloxboxes installed in Daviess County

WASHINGTON – Daviess County residents can now play a role in preventing fatal opioid overdoses. Daviess County has installed three Naloxboxes.

Naloxone, also known as Narcan™, has been used by emergency medical personnel for more than 40 years, reverses opioid-related overdoses by replacing the opioids and blocking them from attaching to the brain’s opioid receptors. The medication can be used safely to treat overdoses in pregnant women but Narcan cannot, however, reverse overdoses in people without opioids in their system.

A person experiencing an opioid overdose will be unresponsive to a sternal rub, can’t be awakened, can’t talk, may have pinpoint pupils, blueish lips or fingertips, vomiting, gurgling, or choking noises, or have slow breath/respiration or heartbeat.

Naloxone has been instrumental in helping address the opioid crisis due to its ability to reverse the effects of opioid overdose.

Anyone in need of Naloxone can obtain it from these locations.

Naloxboxes are located at Harvest Community Fellowship Church, at 200 West Main St., in Washington, Victory Community Church, at 2112 Oak Grove Rd., in Washington, and Greater Vision Baptist Church, at 2893 State Road 57 South, in Washington.

Brian Peek, the Director of Peer Recovery Services of Daviess County, is a Naloxone Administrator with Overdose Lifeline,Inc. He checks the boxes every week, usually more than 1 day, to refill if any were taken.

To learn more about Naloxone and find Naloxboxes near you by clicking here.