Three teens arrested on illegal consumption charges

BEDFORD – On Saturday, May 27th a Bedford Police officer was making extra patrols on State Road 158 and Bundy Lane when the officer was flagged down by a person reporting underage drinking in the area. 

While patrolling the area the officer noticed a black car pull off of Bundy Lane onto State Road 158 shortly after midnight at a high rate of speed, squealing the tires.

The officer stopped the vehicle in the Wendy’s parking lot on 16th Street. While speaking to the driver, the officer noticed the odor of alcohol. 

All three occupants in the vehicle showed signs of impairment.

A 16-year-old female and 17-year-old male, of Ellettsville, and 18-year-old Jesse Terrell Knight, of Spencer, were detained on alcohol charges.

Jesse Terrell-Knight

Terrell-Knight continued to “talk over the officer” and that they were on their way to a “truck meet’.

Terrell-Knight was transported to jail and the two teens were issued summons to appear in court on a charge of illegal consumption and released to their parents. The teens will appear in juvenile court on June 7, at 9 a.m.