Senate moves forward with a bill that would fund handgun training for teachers

 STATEHOUSEHouse Bill 1177 establishes a standardized 40-hour curriculum with instruction on the safe handling, carrying, and storage of guns. The instruction would also include “gun drills” recreating high-stress environments. Teachers would also learn how to respond to school shootings and emergency medicine.

Recent shootings and safety in schools are on the minds of educators across the state.

The Senate signed off on that bill last week.

There has been pushback from Democrats who argue that the bill could make schools more dangerous, and they’re worried about the emotional impacts on children.

“The argument that a good person with a gun can stop a bad person with a gun over 99 percent of all mass shootings across the United States it did not work,” State Sen. Fady Quaddoura said. “In the instances when we had heroes that were able to stop these shootings, we still had casualties.”

There has been pushback from Democrats who argue that the bill could make schools more dangerous, and they’re worried about the emotional impacts on children.

“The argument that a good person with a gun can stop a bad person with a gun over 99 percent of all mass shootings across the United States it did not work,” State Sen. Fady Quaddoura said. “In the instances when we had heroes that were able to stop these shootings, we still had casualties.”

The bill now goes back to the House.