Secretary of State’s Office opens investigation into an auto dealer

INDIANAPOLIS – Agents from the Indiana Secretary of State’s auto dealer licensing and enforcement division have joined the Attorney General’s investigation into a Northeast Indiana auto dealership accused of rolling back odometers.

Flexible Auto Sales, LLC located in LaGrange County is accused of scamming dozens of Hoosier auto buyers.  A lawsuit filed claims the business, owned, and operated by John Allen in Shipshewana, rolled back millions of miles on the odometers. The Attorney General’s Office has consumer protection authority. The Secretary of State’s Auto Dealer Services Division has regulatory and enforcement authority over new and used car dealers and can suspend an auto dealer’s operating permit if laws are being violated. The two agencies are working together to ensure Hoosiers auto buyers are well served.

Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales advises consumers to report any suspicious dealer activity to the Secretary of State’s Auto Dealers Division and the Indiana Attorney General’s office. “Our office will not tolerate auto dealers using unlawful tactics to take advantage of Hoosiers. We take these matters seriously and will work to make sure only legitimate auto dealers are doing business in our state.”

“Odometer discrepancy’ is one of the issues a person can select when filing a complaint with the Secretary of State’s office.  There are several consequences that a dealer could face pending the outcome of an investigation.  Penalties can range from fines to suspension or revocation of a dealer’s operating license. 

Information about the Secretary of State’s Auto Dealer Services Division, including how to file a complaint can be found on the Secretary of State’s website.