Call 811 before digging so you don’t damage underground utility lines

INDIANA – With spring here and the ground ready for digging, homeowners and excavators are gearing up to start outdoor projects they had been waiting to tackle all winter. April marks the traditional start of digging season, which increases the chance of damaging underground utility lines, including natural gas lines. That is why it is necessary to call 811 before digging.

Always call 8-1-1 before you begin any digging project to prevent injuries, property damage, and inconvenient outages.

According to a recent survey by the Common Ground Alliance – the national association dedicated to protecting underground utility lines – 74% of U.S. homeowners plan to dig on their property this year. 

Of those planning projects, more than 49.3 million Americans will put themselves and their communities at risk by not contacting 811 before digging.

Visit to submit a request online or call 811 at least two full working days prior to digging to allow a professional locator to visit the property and mark the approximate location of the underground utility lines.

Be sure to follow the five important steps for getting your utilities marked – plan your project, contact Indiana 811, wait for the marks, confirm the marks, and finally, dig with care. When digging, remember to dig around the marks, not on them, and don’t forget that time, erosion or root structure growth can shift the locations of utility lines. 

Striking a utility line while digging can lead to penalties, repair costs, and even injury or death, so consider this a friendly reminder to contact 811 before you dig in April – and every other month of the year.