Officials say another storm front is headed our way on Tuesday

INDIANA – Greene County Emergency Management Director Roger Axe says another strong storm is headed our way.

“A weather forecast has just been received by Greene County EMA that predicts there could
be storms and tornados like this past Friday and Greene County is in the path,” said Roger Axe, Director, of Greene County Emergency Management Agency. “We are telling all of you this so you will not panic but will be on guard and ready to take precautions if need be. Be sure to have flashlights, batteries, food, fuel, and your medications. If you are in a mobile home or manufactured housing, be ready to move from your home to a safer spot and take your medications with you. We hope nothing happens, but with all that is going on, especially in Sullivan, Owen, and Monroe County – we just cannot take chances. Time is on your side to get ready.”

Keep the umbrella handy for a few showers today. Temperatures will be near 70 degrees.

Another wave of showers and storms will roll through Indiana Tuesday into Wednesday. There is a chance that some of these storms do reach severe criteria.

A look at Tuesday’s possible storm pattern.

The best chance to see stronger storms will be late Tuesday. Officials are expecting strong storms to be present into Wednesday.

Seasonable and dry weather will follow and take us into the weekend.