Progress made on an ambulance service contract for Lawrence County and more

BEDFORD – Emergency Management Director Valerie Luchauer said contract negotiation for ambulance service with IU Health is going well.

Valerie Luchauer

“We hope to have a contract ready by the first of next week,” she added. “Negotiations are going well and hopefully we will have something to present for our legal counsel to review and then can present the contract at the next commissioners’ meeting.”

Lawn care at Lawrence County Courthouse

The commissioners voted on Tuesday to hire 4 Seasons Lawn care LLC to care for the courthouse lawn.

True Green was handling most of the lawn care work. They submitted a bid of $1,346.18 and were under-bid by 4 Seasons who submitted a bid for $1,250 for the same services.

Improvements at Fairgrounds

Bill Spreen, a member of the Fairground Preservation Committee, presented the final bill for improvements at the Lawrence County Fairgrounds.

Bill Spreen

Crews will be removing the bleachers from the grandstand on one side and replacing the bleachers on the other side with aluminum bleachers purchased from Mitchell Community School Corporation.

Spreen said the bleachers are in bad shape with many of the boards breaking on the wooden bleacher and there were no kickboards on wooden bleachers preventing little ones from possibly falling.

This will also save the fair board money on insurance premiums.

Employee Wellness Screening

The commissioner renewed a contract with IU Health Hospital for wellness screening for employees.

The contract was for $7,200, according to Human Resources Manager Travis Sanders.

Travis Sanders

An estimated 140 county employees take part in the wellness screens which also helps them save money on their healthcare costs.

Commissioners renew a contract to keep the courthouse in top shape

The commissioners renewed a contract with HFI for preventive maintenance to be done at the courthouse. The contract was for $8,760 which will be paid in four installments.

Dustin Gabhart

“This helps keep things from breaking down and allows us to catch potential problems before they become a problem,” said Commissioner Dustin Gabhart.

Highway Department continues to address bridge issues

Lawrence County Highway Department crew continues to prepare for winter.

Rodney Fish

They also are working on getting needed repairs completed for county bridges. Commissioner Rodney Fish will address the County Council tonight on funding needed to repair Bridge 140 on Mill Creek Road and Bridge 172 on Cement Plant Road.