Health partners share Community Health Assessment at Think Tank, residents are invited to help build an improved plan

MONROE CO. – Monroe County residents are invited to attend one of two Community Health Assessment “Think
Tanks” to help build the next Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).

They can sign up at the links below on Eventbrite or call 812-349-7345 or email

  • April 27, Switchyard Park Pavilion from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., register at this Eventbrite link.
  • April 30, Banneker Community Center, 1:15 p.m. until 3:15 p.m., register at this Eventbrite link.

The Think Tank is being held by the Monroe County Health Department, IU Health Bloomington Hospital, City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, Community Voices for Health in Monroe County (CVHMC), and HealthNet.

Participants will learn the results from a community survey and 7 community focus groups done in 2021 where local residents were asked about views on their own health needs as well as others.

They will also hear what others said was important for health during community discussions and deliberation sessions led by CVHMC.

After participating in small discussion groups, residents will be able to vote to prioritize issues to include in the next community health improvement plan.

Accommodations are available to eliminate barriers to participation, including childcare.

For questions email