City of Bloomington Utilities performing maintenance on East Tank

BLOOMINGTON – City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) is temporarily taking the East Tank out of service for routine maintenance. The East Tank, one of 7 water storage tanks in CBU’s distribution system, is located along State Road 446. The tanks work together with booster stations and 430 miles of pipe to provide water to the tap when customers need it, as well as provide water for fire hydrants and regulate water pressure.

The tank will be out of service from April 11-20. The tank will be emptied, cleaned, and inspected. It will also be painted at a later date in the summer. CBU does not anticipate any disruptions in water service, but customers on the east side of Bloomington may notice discoloration from sediment stirred up by changes in water flow. The water is not harmful to drink, customers can flush their piping by running cold water from a sink or tub until clear water flows from the faucet.