Bedford Plan Commission will meet Tuesday, Feb. 8

BEDFORD – The Bedford Plan Commission will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 4:00 p.m. at the City Concourse building located at 1402 H Street.

On the agenda:

Call to Order:

Reading of the minutes from the January 11 meeting.

Old Business:

1. Public hearing for Stone City Properties, LLC/Steve Evans for a minor subdivision for 1201 Limestone Dr and adjoining vacant land. Stone City Properties, LLC requests to divide this property into three parcels. The total land to be divided is 54 acres. Corey Allen will present the request.

2. Preliminary hearing for a special exception permit request for Arthur Wilmoth for property located 118 Bailey Scales Rd. Arthur requested to put in a type II manufactured home on his property. The current property is zoned R-1 single-family residential district and will only allow type I manufactured homes. If approved will need to be moved to the Board of Zoning and Appeals for public hearing.

3. Public hearing for the adoption of Resolution NO. 1-2022 for the resolution of the City of Bedford Planning Commission approving certain amendments to the declaratory resolution and Economic Development Area NO. 1 and related matters. City Attorney Greg Pittman will present.
