LCIS officials give an update on the first three weeks of school


FAYETTEVILLE – During Lawrence County Independent Schools meeting Thursday the board gave an update on the impact of the COVID-19 virus.

Five staff members have tested positive for the virus thus far. Contact tracing steps have been completed with each positive case. Currently, there are two staff members that tested positive that have not yet returned to the school to perform their duties.

In addition, a total of 54 students have been reported as absent due to COVID exposure with only five students that tested positive for COVID.

LCIS principal Joanne Symcox

LCIS school principal Joanne Symcox suggested a mask mandate to prevent students from being quarantined or having to go to hybrid learning. The measure was passed by the board.

During the meeting, the board was updated on the first three weeks of school.

The pillars were removed from the cafeteria and the drop-off and pick-up for students have improved, and all curriculum and materials have arrived.

Social-emotional learning and restorative practices are continuing to be implemented. Discipline policies are built around these practices.

LCIS grants update:

  • LCIS has been provisionally approved for two grants for the Title I program at the school which include Elser 2 and 3.
  • The United Way provided a grant of $500 to receive mobile hotspots for families in need.
  • LCIS submitted for a total of $900,000 in grants.
  • Awarded Charter and Innovative Network grant for $140,000.

In other business:

  • Karla Hudson is working on free and reduced lunch waivers and hopes to have them reviewed by early next week. Materials will go home with families on Friday to set up e-fund accounts for school lunches.
  • Trisha Turner, board president, spoke with an insurance provider for tablets and chromebooks. The cost will range from $20 to $35 per student.
  • Hoosier Uplands have submitted a draft proposal for a relationship between LCIS and Hoosier Uplands. The board voted to approve the Memordiam of Understanding.
  • September 22, 2021 will be the first e-learning day for the school. Staff will fulfill professional development opportunities.
  • Approved policy for students to be released to walk home from the school or a bus stop.

Enrollment for the school is reported as 314 students, K-5 enrollment at 215 students with 98 percent attendance rate, and 99 middle school students with an 89 percent attendance rate.