Community Invited To 7-Line Information Session Thursday, June 18

(BLOOMINGTON) – An informational meeting to be held Thursday, June 18 will offer residents the opportunity to learn more and offer input about the new 7-Line, which will provide a protected east-west bicycle lane and improved bus corridor along Seventh Street. 

Participants may join the meeting via Zoom video conference starting at 6 p.m.  Details for joining the meeting are as follows:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 973 4210 0492

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,97342100492# US (Chicago)

+19292056099,97342100492# US (New York)

The meeting will also be streamed live on Facebook.

The 7-Line is one of seven public improvement projects announced by Mayor John Hamilton in Bloomington’s bicentennial year as a gift to its future.  Supported by a $10 million bond approved by the Bloomington Common Council in 2018, the projects will add miles of new greenways and trails, reactivate downtown alleyways, expand the city’s tree canopy, and create attractive gateways to the community.  More information about these projects is available here.

Building on the success and transformative effect of the B-Line Trail, the 7-Line will provide a protected east-west bicycle lane and improved bus corridor to connect the B-Line, downtown, Indiana University campus, and eastside neighborhoods. The project will enhance and expand the conventional bike lane that already exists along with parts of 7th Street by adding physical separation between bicyclists and auto traffic to improve comfort, safety, and efficiency for all road users.  Extending 0.72 miles from the B-Line Trail to Woodlawn Avenue, the first phase of the 7th Street improvements will provide a direct route between downtown and campus, designed to increase ridership and improve access to nearby destinations.   In subsequent phases, the 7-Line is projected to extend from the eastern edge of the IU campus to the current terminus of the Seventh/Longview Greenway near the S.R. 46/S.R. 446 intersection.  The project’s design consultant is Indianapolis-based American Structurepoint.  

In addition, members of the public are invited to attend upcoming meetings of the City’s advisory commissions during which the project will be reviewed:

  • June 24, 4:30 p.m.: Traffic Commission meeting
  • June 25, 5:30 p.m.: Parking Commission meeting

Information about joining these meetings remotely via Zoom video conference will be posted at the project’s website, where updates about the 7-Line project are posted.