(UNDATED) – The DNR Division of Forestry is working with conservation groups and forest stakeholders to update the 2010 Forest Action Plan, a 10-year strategic document that considers the conditions and trends of forest resources in the state and provides long-term strategies to address threats.
The plan encompasses Indiana’s approximately 5 million acres of forestland, 84% of which is privately owned and 16% of which is owned by public institutions including federal, state and local governments.
Stakeholders including Hoosier National Forest, the DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Indiana Forest & Woodland Owners Association, professional forester associations. About 30 other conservation and environmental organizations also have contributed to the update process through involvement with the Indiana Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee.
A draft update of the plan is available for public comment at dnr.IN.gov/forestry/10319.htm until March 27. The final plan will be released early this summer.
A series of public meetings will be scheduled to discuss the draft. Dates and locations will be posted online when available.
More information about the Forest Action Plan update process and engaging Indiana’s forest stakeholders is available on the Forest Action Plan webpage: dnr.IN.gov/forestry/5436.htm.