(BEDFORD) – The North Lawrence Community Schools Corporation Board of School Trustees approved the 2020 budget totaling $52,597,837 on Thursday at the North Lawrence Community Schools Administration Building at 460 W Street.
The education fund, which pays for teacher and building-level administrator salaries and benefits was the bulk of the total budget at $28,501,362
The operations fund, which is the combination of the district’s capital projects, transportation, and bus replacement funds, has a projected budget of $15,833,809.
The debt service fund totals $4,962,093 and the school pension debt fund has a total of $800,573.
Preparation for the North Lawrence Community Schools budget will start the day after the budget is approved.
For further information contact: Mr. Andrew Clampitt, Director of Communications with North Lawrence Community Schools at clampitta@nlcs.k12.in.us or call 812-279-3521.