If You Receive Mail from the Department of Revenue – Don’t Panic, Just Respond

(INDIANAPOLIS) – Most people aren’t thinking about taxes when they are having fun in the sun until they get a letter from the Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR).  

Don’t let mail from DOR bring on the summertime blues, as the envelope might contain a tax refund check or a simple request for more information. That’s why DOR is reminding Hoosiers to quickly read and respond to any mail they receive from the agency.

“If you receive mail from DOR, please do not ignore it,” says DOR Commissioner Adam Krupp. “I assure you, ignoring correspondence will not make it disappear. There are countless examples of unfortunate situations involving financial penalties that resulted from simply ignoring our mail. Remember, DOR contacts customers by U.S. mail first, so it is imperative that everyone opens and responds to each notice sent.

Letters, including payment liability notices, are often generated by our computer system based on data available to us at the time; in many cases, the issue is resolved through a simple phone call, or by providing additional documentation.”

DOR frequently sends letters to customers to request needed information to process a tax return. Not responding to an information request can cause a tax return to remain unprocessed, generating an overdue payment with penalties and interest owed. Additionally, any potential refund could be delayed.

DOR also mails notices to explain adjustments needed to tax filings, including mistakes with math errors or improperly claimed/documented deductions. In some cases, these adjustments can mean a larger tax refund or a smaller bill.

If a customer receives a bill for unpaid taxes, they should not panic. DOR accepts several methods of payment by mail, online at dor.in.gov/3976.htm, or at one of DOR’s 12 district offices throughout the state.

Additionally, payment plans are available to individuals owing more than $100. Penalties and interest can add up and cause financial issues down the road, so it’s best to resolve a bill as quickly as possible. More about payment plans can be found on DOR’s website at dor.in.gov/6389.htm.

A word of caution, if an unexpected phone call is received from someone claiming to be a DOR or IRS employee or tax collector, it is likely a scammer. Additionally, summertime is when scam artists target individuals who may or may not owe with fake notices demanding immediate action or payment with the threat of arrest or additional fines. A few things to remember:

  • DOR always sends information via U.S. mail
  • DOR will never threaten a customer
  • When in doubt don’t call the phone number on the notice, contact DOR customer service at the number below.

Customers with questions regarding any mail they receive from DOR may contact Customer Service at (317) 232-2240, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (EST), Monday through Friday.
