(BEDFORD) – The City of Bedford is updating its Comprehensive and Downtown Revitalization Plan. Since the last plan adoption, Bedford has undertaken several transformative projects and seen many changes.
The city will hold a five-day community design workshop from June 27 through July 1, 2019 as part of the Comprehensive and Downtown Plan update.
A number of interactive community events including focus groups, stakeholder interviews, surveys, and interactive workshops are scheduled to take place throughout downtown Bedford during the Limestone Heritage Festival.
Citizens who cannot attend the events but want to give input about the Comprehensive and Downtown Plan can complete an online survey. The surveys will be available from June 27 to July 12, 2019.
An update is necessary to prepare and respond to new issues and emerging conditions.
Types of Plan Recommendations
• Code revisions
• New government policies
• Capital improvement projects
• Public art
• Trail extensions
• Local economic development initiatives
Comprehensive planning is a process that identifies a community’s priorities, goals, and action steps to achieve those goals through
projects, policies, and other kinds of initiatives. The planning process is inclusive, engaging, and will jumpstart a dialogue about the direction
the community wants to head going forward. The result of a planning process is a comprehensive plan document, but the real benefit of the plan is the relationships and networks created through the planning process. These will ultimately be key in implementing the plan’s projects and objectives by leveraging existing capacity within the community to have the most impact.
Downtown Revitalization Plan will mirror the larger city-wide comprehensive planning process but the priorities, goals, and action steps will be more tailored to the downtown’s context.
If you have any questions or comments please contact those listed below.
- Colleen Durfee – email: cdurfee@lochgroup.com, phone: 314-446-5406,
- Katy Shackelford – email: kshackelford@lochgroup.com, phone: 314- 446-5404
- Debbi Andry – email: dandry@bedford.in.us, phone: 812-279-6555