(BLOOMINGTON) – Sally the Salad Robot made her debut at IU Health Bloomington Hospital today.
Sally serves up salads in the lobby of the hospital with a push of her buttons. A see-through window – provides the freshest and healthiest options for 24-hour nutrition.
Sally was installed on January 22 and became operational today, creating a buzz among staff and visitors.
She is the invention of a California entrepreneur who developed a similar machine for his home. He was then challenged to make the salad machine for commercial use.
To date, the machine has been used on some college campuses, surgery centers, and offices. It is the first installation, however, in the state of Indiana and the first hospital installation in the world, according to company representatives. Other IU Health facilities are looking at future installations.
Call the hospital to arrange to see the robot in action and talk with staff who brought her to Bloomington.