NLCS Board Of Trustees Will Meet Thursday


(BEDFORD) – The North Lawrence Community School board of trustees will meet in an executive and regular meeting on Thursday, October 22nd.

The executive session will begin at 5:15 p.m. at the NLCS Administration Building. The regular meeting will follow.

Agenda for special meeting:

A. Notice of Executive Session – 5:15 p.m., NLCS Administration Building

  1. Convene into Executive Session in Accordance with IC 5-14-1.6-6
    B. Public Hearing of Capital Project & Bus Replacement Plans – 6:30 p.m., NLCS Administration Building
  2. Call to Order and Roll Call
  3. Persons to Address the Board Relative to Capital Project & Bus Replacement Plans
  4. Presentation of Capital Project & Bus Replacement Plans
  5. “*” Adjournment

Agenda for regular meeting:

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. “*” Review for Approval the Minutes and Executive Session Memorandum from September 17, 2020.
  4. “*” Review for Approval the Minutes and Executive Session Memorandum from September 24, 2020.

A. Persons to Address the Board Relative to the Agenda

  1. Persons to Address the Board Relative to the Agenda

B. Business Services – Mrs. Roane

  1. “*” Claims and Payroll Since Last Board Meeting.
  2. “*” Adoption of 2021 Budget
  3. “*” Adoption of 2021 Bus Replacement Plan
  4. “*” Adoption of 2021 Capital Projects Plan
  5. “*” Resolution for 2021 Budget Adjustments
  6. “*” Resolution to Transfer Amounts from Education Fund to Operations Fund
  7. “*” Resolution to Authorize Ability to Transfer Funds/Appropriations/Revenues
  8. “*” Approve Rainy Day Fund Transfer Resolution

C. Personnel – Mrs. Wintczak

  1. “*” Personnel Agenda

D. General – Dr. Mungle

  1. “*” Approval to update calendar for 2020-2021 school year
  2. “*” Approval of resolution to transfer bonds on Springville and Fayetteville Schools
  3. COVID Update: In person / virtual update, possibility of hybrid, possibility of school closure with virtual learning
  4. Enrollment numbers

E. Persons to Address the Board

  1. Persons to Address the Board

F. Closing Business

  1. Upcoming Meetings
  2. “*” Adjournment