Mitchell Schools Trying To Improve Educational Outcomes

(MITCHELL) – The Mitchell Community Schools is trying to address the educational outcomes of the students within their school system.

Danny Reynolds talks about the ROI Initiatives and addressing programs that Mitchell Community Schools is offering students.

During the school board meeting Troy Prichett, Danny Reynolds, Amanda May, and Melissa Gilbert addressed the School Board on opportunities they are addressing to improve outcomes for all students.

Troy Prichett Mitchell High School Media talked about the plan, timeline, and benefits of the Plan.

Troy Prichett Mitchell Community Schools Media Director

The timeline of Mitchel High School Media:

  • Promote Mitchell High School Events & Activities
  • Connect School With the Community
  • Provide a Pathway Career Opportunity
  • Athletic Events


  • Athletic Events
  • Daily Announcements
  • Band Concerts, Drama, & Choir Events
  • Commencements & Honor Ceremonies


  • 2019-2020 – Utilize Volunteers
  • 2020-2021 – Sponsored Club
  • 2021- 2022 – Offer Class
  • 2022-2023 – Beyond – Build Pathway and Major

The Plan itself includes:

  • Initially, streaming school events
  • Podcasting school announcements and various interviews
  • Archiving all streams on Schools YouTube channel
  • Soon, reach out to the community, including Hoosier Uplands to provide a connection between school and community.
  • Plan to start, with the nursing home where we look to install a large TV with internet access to our channel. They will be able to watch our daily announcements and watch live or archived events.
  • Would also like to incorporate a live feed camera in conjunction with a weather station to help promote our initiative.

In addition, Danny Reynolds talking about other opportunities from the ROI Grant to identify Pathways to Majors. Career paths such as Bio-Tech, Engineering, Welding, and Education Profession.

Identifying what employers are needing in a skilled workforce and communicating with students the opportunities they have available in the local workforce.

Manchester Tank may be closing in Bedford, however, the need for welders exist in Lawrence County and beyond.

Agriculture will be offered through the Orleans Community Schools System for the students interested in this field.

Mitchell Junior High School and Mitchell High School offer Professional Development to teachers identifying ways to improve programs, identify areas were areas students are weak and get them prepared to meet the demands of the workforce.

Amanda May and Melissa Gilbert told the board that there were no negative comments from teachers, parents or students on E-Learning Days.

The 6th, 7th and 8th grade teachers are looking at the subject matters where there are opportunities for better educational outcomes. Not only looking at the top 25 students but looking at ways to help those that are struggling across the student population.

“We are working with Special Needs, Elementary Education, Junior High, and High School Students to improve these Math scores without finger-pointing and addressing those that are needing help,” May said. “We are trying in the area of math scores working with Mrs. Epping and Mrs. Wigley.”

” This is not a cure, but we are looking at the cause. Instead of just putting on band-aids, we will eventually find the root cause and get this solved. ” Amanda May.