Lawrence County Superior Court I Problem Solving Court adds graduate Tuesday morning

BEDFORD – The Lawrence County Superior Court I Problem Solving Court added another graduate Tuesday morning, adding to the program’s continued success in helping individuals become their best selves.

Cody Combs and his Fiancé Meaghan Black

Cody Combs used to hold in his frustration, through drinking alcohol or using drugs to get himself through, it ultimately led to his downfall.

“I wanted to live for Cody, I didn’t want anyone else to tell me what I needed to do, and it worked for a while. But then I became aggressive and began lashing out,” Combs said. “It wasn’t until it ultimately led to me getting arrested, looking for a higher power, and throwing in the white towel for me to ask for help. This program taught me that it is ok to be frustrated, it is ok to let ourselves feel upset, and that it is ok to remove ourselves from the situation and walk away.”

With the support of his family and Fiancé Meaghan, Cody was able to work through his anger, and come out on top. Megan was offered a chance to speak to those in the room about how proud she was of Cody getting through the program.

“I am so proud of what you have been able to do. It wasn’t easy, but communicating together, and being honest upfront has allowed us to be here today,” said Meaghan. “I have seen you smile more times than you have been angry, and for that, I am truly blessed. I will always be your biggest supporter.”

Superior Court I Judge John Plummer III

Superior Court I Judge John Plummer III enjoys these moments, saying this is the best way to rehabilitate individuals in the community dealing with domestic violence.

“Seeing individuals come into the program and finally graduate is amazing, and could not be done without the amazing support staff we have,” said Judge Plummer III. “Cody has been an excellent participant through his 747 days, and a great example for the others currently going through the program. This program changes lives, not only for the participants but for their families and loved ones.”