MCCS testing students for Dyslexia

BLOOMINGTON – Attention parents of Kindergarten, first, and second-grade students:

Indiana law requires all schools to conduct universal screening of students in grades K – 2 for characteristics of dyslexia. Dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty in learning to read despite intelligence, motivation, and appropriate instruction.

The universal screening consists of very brief assessments that are being administered at each school.  The screeners do not diagnose dyslexia.  The screeners indicate some reading characteristics that may or may not be associated with dyslexia in young children.

According to the Monroe County Community School officials, parents will receive a letter with their child’s results.  The letter will include the areas that the screeners identified and more information about dyslexia. 

 If your child was determined to be “at risk” school teachers will request your written permission to administer an additional screening for your student that will provide more information about specific areas for them to focus on.

If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school.