Catching bats without the catch

INDIANA – Indiana Department of Natural Resources began its acoustic surveys for bats in 2011. This non-invasive method helps biologists monitor bat populations without actually catching the bats. Advances in technology have resulted in equipment that can record echolocation calls, which are used to identify different bat species by their unique echolocation signatures.

bat survey map

Survey protocols for bat survey monitoring are standardized by the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) to allow biologists to monitor bat populations across state and national boundaries and throughout their range. In 2020, Indiana’s volunteers and DNR staff completed 73 mobile surveys across 39 NABat grid cells (survey areas). In 2021, those survey efforts increased to 95 surveys across 63 NABat grid cells. The red squares on the map above show the survey areas.  

Myotis lucifugus on tree - by Jordi Sege
Photo credit Jordi Segers

DNR biologists could use your help to increase monitoring efforts in 2022. Landowners willing to survey in areas covered by NABat grid cells can receive acoustic bat detectors for our summer 2022 surveys. If you live in or near one of the survey areas shown on the map and are interested in participating, email