North Lawrence Community Schools to purchase four buses


BEDFORD – The North Lawrence Community School board voted to purchase four buses during Thursday evening’s meeting.

The cost of the four buses is $56,373.00 each which include two 14 passenger yellow buses and two 14 passenger white buses.

The buses will be used for longer trips that students take, and for special needs pre-school students. Drivers will only require a regular operator license and a yellow card.

These purchases will be made by the state bid list.

In other business:

  • North Lawrence Community Schools received the state waiver allowing the last day for students to be May 28th and the last day for teachers to be June 3rd.
  • Summer school applications are being accepted for high school students and third-grade applications for summer school will be sent out shortly.
  • School lunch prices have increased for next year. Student breakfast was increased by five cents to $1.50, adult breakfast was increased twenty cents to $2.50, and adult lunch was increased by five cents to $3.50. There will be no change for free/reduced lunch students. Lunches were provided at no charge this year due to grant funding.